You're not strange... or weird... or a misfit. You're a WITCH. You don't require permission, or approval. You're here to BE and DO what only you can BE and DO.

The world needs YOU... to RISE and SHINE on the path of DESTINY... to serve with heart wide open, eyes wide open and soul wings fully unfurled.



Hey Witchy Wonder!

Welcome home.

You're here because you KNOW:

You don't have to give up Christ, or the Bible because you're a Witch.


You don't have to deny your Witchiness because you're in Church, or read the Bible, or love Christ.

That's what this school is all about... INTEGRATION of your Witchiness and your love of Christ and/or the Bible.

This isn't an either/or path.

This is an INCLUSIVE spiritual path for PROGRESSIVE minds who know limitations don't serve our collective ascension.

You're in the right place, at the right time, with the right souls, for the right results.


Head Mistress Rev. Valerie Love

Valerie Love (aka KAISI) is an ordained Minister of Spiritual Consciousness who holds several initiations in the Magickal Arts & Sciences and travels the globe for her own ascension, as well as leads global experiential retreats and events in exotic locations including India, Peru, Dubai, Paris, Cannes, Hawaii, China, Hong Kong, Bali, Sedona, New Orleans, New York, Washington DC and more.

She is the author of 25 books on practical spirituality, magick and the occult, including the hot selling Christian Witchcraft Starter Kit series of books.

After exiting the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses decades ago, she set out on the heroine's journey which has carried her to the magick of Kemet (ancient Egypt), Alchemy, Kabbalah, Tarot, Numerology, Mayan Astrology, Bible Magick, Christian Witchcraft, Plant Medicine Initiations and beyond.

KAISI is honored to teach students in our global mystery school and usher millions into their magickal destiny on planet earth for transcendence and ultimately, ascension.

As soon as Rev. Val opened the Christian Witches Facebook Fan Page to create a space for Christian Witches everywhere to gather, learn, grow, and be inspired... a true community, she began to see that there were consistent questions arising for new and experienced Christian Witches:

How do I get started?

What books are there on Christian Witchcraft/Bible Magick?

What does practicing magick as a Christian Witch really mean?

What about casting a circle, wands, crystals and magickal implements?

What holy days and/or celebrations are there in Christian Witchcraft?

How can I use the Bible for magick?

Is there initiation on this path?

These questions, and a whole lot more, had to be answered.

Being a teacher by gifting from the Divine, it was only natural for Rev. Val to begin sharing keys to magick, mysticism and the occult she'd discovered over decades of study and practice.

Even though we're inspired to share what we've discovered and experienced on the magickal path of soul unfoldment, the Covenant of Christian Witches Mystery School (CCW for short) was born to support you in discovering these answers for YOURSELF, as the Sovereign Being you are so as to experience SELF-REALIZATION.

CCW Holds Its First Classes in Salem

CCW's first classes were in October, 2018 at an event held at the Hawthorne Hotel, the most haunted hotel in Salem, Massachusetts, USA.

The first class of students showed up for 5 days of intensive study and practice in the Magickal Arts & Sciences in SACRED COMMUNITY, as well as for good food, healing, laughter, shopping and all the yumminess that high-vibe spiritual community engages in EVERY TIME we come together... it's ALWAYS MAGICKAL.

CCW is a traveling school (until we create our campus).

Since that magickal origin in the witchiest of cities, CCW has held classes in magickal spaces including Sedona, Arizona and New Orleans, LA.

The Mystery School has traveled to Egypt, the Vatican, Peru, Sedona, Salem and New Orleans to explore magick and mysticism and engage in potent rituals.

We cannot WAIT to meet you in person, so we can hug your neck, and share with you the deliciousness of being in powerful spiritual community.


CCW begins each student with the FOUNDATIONS course.

FOUNDATIONS consists of 40 FOUNDATIONAL Lessons to become a MASTER of magick, establish your own rites and rituals as a practicing Christian Witch, and become initiated into the Magickal Arts & Sciences.

The course work is laid out as follows:


Orientation - Welcome to CCW

Introduction - Magickal Tools & Implements & ReSource Library

Foundations Lesson 1 - KNOW THYSELF

Foundations Lesson 2 - The Witching Hour

Foundations Lessons 3-9 - The 7 Keys to the Kingdom

Foundations Lessons 10-18 - The Code of the Christian Witch

Foundations Lessons 19-22 - The Elements

Foundations Lessons 33 - Pathworking on the Tree of Life & the 11 Statements of Creation

Foundations Lesson 34 - Introduction to Hoodoo & Bible Magick

Foundations Lesson 35 - Introduction to the Grimoires in the Solomonic Tradition

Foundations Lesson 36 - Introduction to Angel Magick

Foundations Lesson 37 - Demonology

Foundations Lesson 38 - Days, Hours & Planetary Influences

Foundations Lesson 39 - Practical Magick for the Christian Witch

Foundations Lesson 40 - What Initiation TRULY Means



Note: After students have successfully completed study and mastery of the FOUNDATIONS Level of course work, the student may apply to be initiated as a Priest/Priestess.

We're initiating aspirants now for the establishment of the Ma'at Temple of Love, Light & Truth, an order of High Priestesses & Priests who serve the Christian Witches community and the world.

Field Trips!!!

CCW is an EXPERIENTIAL MYSTERY SCHOOL. The critical nature of an IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE on the magickal path cannot be overstated. We LOVE field trips!

If we're in Salem we're sure to hit up the cemetery & Witch Memorial, metaphysical shoppes, magickal book stores, crystal shops, Vamp store, and likely attend a seance.

When we're in New Orleans, we're sure to visit the magick shoppes, and cemeteries to collect dirt for workings, prayer, exorcisms and more.

When we're in Sedona we hike Bell Rock to immerse in Vortex energy, spend quiet afternoons in silence at the Amitahba Stupa & Peace Park, walk the Medicine Wheel barefoot, conduct fire ceremonies, engage in full moon and/or new moon rituals, eat amazing Indian food and bask in the wonders of the red rocks.

When we're in Peru, it's all about Plant Medicine, from Ayahuasca to Wachuma, hiking the Inca Trail on the Andes Mountains, and stewing in a sweat lodge with our favorite Shamans.